News Archive

You are at "News Archive" page. Here you can view three previously posted news for legacy purpose. In order to save resources we have decided to remove previous news posts.
5th June, 2024:  
Emiko's Pledge 4, the fourth installment of the series is coming soon on Steam! The release date is 26th July, 2024 and is subject to change. I am super excited to see how the launch week goes. There will  be a discount at launch along with Mega Anime Bundle which provide you with the opportunity to buy all of my anime themed titles along with Emiko's Pledge, Emiko's Pledge 2 and Emiko's Pledge 3.
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

1st June, 2024:  
My new horror titles will be releasing on Steam on 12th July, 2024! It is called "Koverpark Haunted Subway". Check out my games section for more information. I am super excited to see how it goes. There will be the maximum extent discount at launch along with huge discount on bundles for celebration of the release of my new title. More news are on the way!
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

29th May, 2024:  
Hey guys, I previously said that my future titles won't be distributed through other platforms. Now that the issues with one of my distribution partners has been resolved I will soon start distributing some of my chosen future releases through other platforms too. A new game announcement is on the way. Emiko's Pledge 4 had been announced a few weeks ago and I am working on more titles. Let's get to 100 releases!
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

24th May, 2024:  
Hey guys, I have decided to launch more high quality titles this year! Lots of anime themed action with animated cutscenes and 2D horror games are coming up which have been created by me, the solo developer! Yes! It's possible. I am super excited to release more titles.

IMPORTANT: Due to unexpected circumstances, I have decided that my newer titles starting from the release of Mika's Battle S game to the upcoming releases, will not be distributed beyond Steam and Itchio platforms except for external bundle sites! Other platform distribution will not be considered for the future titles until further notice. It may change in the future but at this point, the chance is bleak.
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

21st May, 2024:  
Hey guys, from now onward most of my future Steam releases will be available on Steam and Itchio stores only. I will solely be responsible for distributing the titles and will no longer support other distribution channels which require Steam keys. The availability of Steam keys will be limited to Itchio only and in limited quantity. 
However, nothing is changed for the titles which have already been launched on Steam and other distribution channels. The last few months has been great for me and thanks to everyone who have supported me. I will soon announce the release date of Emiko's Pledge 4. It's almost done!
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

24th April, 2024:  
Hey guys, The fourth installment of Emiko's Pledge series will soon be done! I am currently working on the ending scenes. However, you can expect the final installment of the series by 2026. I am attempting to launch Emiko's Pledge 4 by Q3, 2024!
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

10th April, 2024:  
Hey guys, Some of my new titles will soon be available on other stores!
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,
