
This is the News section where you can receive the latest updates and instruction or any kind of changes made to my website and my titles.


15th July, 2024:  
Koverpark Haunted Subway is now available on Steam at 35% discount. Get it on Steam now. If you want more discount on the purchase you have the option to buy the Horror games bundle at 86% discount which includes 4 other titles!
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

4th July, 2024:  
Emiko's Pledge 4 release date has been shifted to 16th August, 2024. Thanks to your patience!
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

4th July, 2024:  
The newer titles are on the way. I'm working on more horror games which will be launched within the next couple of months. I am targeting a launch date near the Halloween sale. You can expect deeper discounts for newer releases around that time.
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,

29th June, 2024:  
Steam Summer Sale is now live. Get 50 of my awesome games at huge discounts! Check it out on Steam!
Thank you for your understanding,

Best Regards,






Check out older news on News Archive page.